WHO are we?


We’re a movement of young people fighting to stop the climate crisis and win a Green New Deal. Sunrise Princeton is a group of student organizers fed up with Princeton University’s lack of meaningful action to address climate change. We demand better from our school, and are willing to do what it takes to create a more sustainable, just world. The world is hot and scary, we are cool and fun. Join us to act!


We aim to use our power as students to spark change within and beyond Princeton University, engaging our peers, our local community, and the broader world. Throughout our organizing, we strive to act within the framework of environmental justice. We focus on systemic changes that address climate collapse, such as divestment and dissociation from fossil fuels, because we know that the climate crisis demands solutions that extend beyond campus-specific sustainability projects. With this broader scope in mind, we also seek to work with local community organizers working for climate justice to build a movement that extends far beyond Princeton’s walls.

Princeton wields power through how it directs its prominent research, how it oversees its multi-billion-dollar endowment, and how it educates us students.. We work to ensure that the University uses this power to bring about a future of shared prosperity, just systems, and a healthy climate for all. 

Theory of Change



We work to build a broad-based, enthusiastic, and engaged student movement united in the fight for climate justice.


We believe in people power. Our university and surrounding communities are made up of individuals who, if they refuse to cooperate with university officials on a mass scale, leave these officials no choice but to listen to our demands. By bringing people together and directing our energy toward a common vision, we create change.


We engage in disruptive activities to win our demands. When we disrupt business as usual, we demonstrate that we are not willing to abide by the status quo, and force the university community – students, faculty, administrators – to pay attention. 


We harness Princeton’s limited democratic structures when possible, and push back on those structures when necessary. At the same time, we advocate for strengthened democratization and transparency across all decision-making structures.


We stand in solidarity with other movements for justice on Princeton’s campus and beyond. We know that our movement is part of a greater ecosystem of other movements that also strive for racial, economic, and social justice. We show up for others in the pursuit of collective liberation.



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